Monday, June 12, 2006

This blog looked like it needed sum updating, found this on another blog, but think its important to put here....luv Chaya

Shalom blogger/friend/classmate/co-worker/sibling/neighbor/stranger,

Just recently, on the 9th day of Sivan, the neshama of Reizi Rodal (10 yrs old) was taken from this world to join the myriads of tzadikkim who are now in the olam ha'emes (the world of Truth).

Yes, Reizi is finally at peace and in a place with no pain. But what about us? "Us" includes those who personally knew Reizi (or her family), those who have been in school with Sonia (or any sister) and many who have never met either of them, yet were forwarded this email by someone who did. No matter the connection or relation, we down here feel the loss. We feel the unbearable anguish and the utter confusion. How can Hashem do this to us? How can Hashem take away such a good, pure and innocent child at such a young age??!

But most importantly, what do we do now?

(If you have already heard all the details, and just want to know 'tachlis'-the bottom line as to what you can do practically-scroll down to the bold on the bottom)

About an hour before Reizi left this world, a letter was written into the Rebbe (via the Igros Kodesh) begging for a Refuah Shleima for 'Reizel bas Shaina D'vorah'. Shockingly, the letter that was received in response (Letters from the Rebbe, Volume III, pg 207) was all about what it means when a neshama leaves this world, and why we mourn if it really is a happy time. Only after Reizi passed away was the family informed of the Rebbe's response and you can just imagine the endless comfort that it gave them. Towards the end of the letter, the Rebbe writes that now the neshama cannot do any mitzvos, and this can only be resolved "when those left behind do a little more Mitzvos and good deeds-in honor and for the benefit of the dear neshama".

Let's take a look at what Reizi would have wanted.

At one point during her illness, Reizi said ""I feel so special that in my zechus, people around the world are united in doing mitzvos and bringing moshiach closer".

Thus, we are working with Tzivos Hashem (the world's largest Jewish children's club) in order to sponsor a special contest that will encourage and unite hundreds of 10 yr olds worldwide through mitzvos. (Details to follow when they become available)

Another thing we hope to accomplish is having the first ten perakim of Tanya memorized a total of ten times each, by the end of this year. (The number ten was chosen for that is the number of years that Reizi lived; and also, according to chassidus, ten symbolizes perfection.)
This means that a total of 100 people will be memorizing. (Actually, it will be less cuz some have already taken upon themselves to memorize more than one perek.)

By amazing Hashgocha Pratis, the HaYom Yom for Tes Sivan (Reizi's Yahftzeit) talks about the importance of learning Torah by heart. To quote the Rebbe, "The world is in need of a purified atmosphere. Purified air comes only through words of Torah. Words of Torah offer protection in general and for each individual in particular. ……And there are no words to describe the tremendous gratification one thereby gives the Creator, may He be blessed."

And lastly, we have the 'Give 2 Minutes 2 G-d' project. The idea is simple; the impact, grand. It goes as follows: Every night before going to bed, take just 2 minutes (2 minutes=120 seconds) to open any sefer, any holy book of Torah or Chassidus, and read from it. After two minutes, stop. (even if you are in middle of an idea, paragraph) Though this may seem quite easy, you gotta make sure to keep it up every night, regardless of time or place, for the first 30 days. (of course you can keep it up afterwards..or add a bit o time each long as

ur consistent) Additionally, tell two others about it (convince em to join you or even just let them know what ur doing)

In conclusion, we have here 3 different ways you can be involved for the aliyas neshama of Reizel bas Shmuel Hakohen:

1) Help sponsor the Tzivos Hashem project

2) Memorize a Perek of Tanya

3) Give 2 Minutes 2 G-d (and tell 2 others about it)

Email to let us know what specifically you will be doing to make Reizi proud. If you have taken on any other hachlatos please email that to us, as well. We will, iyh, let both the Rebbe and Reizi's family know of what was done in her zchus. MAKE SURE TO WRITE YOUR FULL HEBREW NAME (INCLUDING YOUR MOTHERS).

With wishes for moshiach now–the only solution to end all the pain and sickness in this world!

Additionally, please forward this letter to everyone you know. We need to make a difference!

A Mitzvah Project

לע''נ רייזל בת שמועל הכהן
(in memory of Reizel bas Shmuel Hakohen Rodal)


Blogger the sabra said...

hey nice
thanks for postin it here
may we all only share good news from now on

Wednesday, June 21, 2006  

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